Since I’d been volunteering at Calusa, I would visit with a Hope patient named Joan. She was in her 90’s - debilitated, bedbound, and speaking mainly of the past as if it were the present. Joan loved Penny, and when I could, I’d carefully lay Penny next to her. Joan was in her glory; Penny was attentive and patient with her.
Hope Pet Volunteer Penny gives free kisses on request. |
I left for Texas in October. When we came back after Christmas, Joan was no longer at Calusa. Her name was not on the door or on my list. I felt so sad, thinking she had passed while I was gone.
But when Penny and I were recently at Calusa, we were passing Joan’s old room, and I saw her! Her name was back on the door. Of course, Joan was unable to explain her absence. I just hugged her, then placed Penny on her bed facing her.
Joan said, “Give me a kiss, Penny” with tears in her eyes. Penny complied, then lay there looking at her face. Needless to say, I shed some tears, too.
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